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Cartes postales | Postcards

Faire pression sur Dow Chemicals

Envoyer des cartes représentatives de la situation actuelle des victimes de la catastrophe de Bhopal à Dow peut aider à lui faire prendre conscience que rien n'est réglé et que la catastrophe continue à faire des victimes. Oui mais lui demander quoi ?

  • que Dow Chemicals, qui a racheté Union Carbide, et qui essait de se racheter une bonne conscience à grand renfort de publicité, prenne ses entières responsabilités dans le rachat d'Union Carbide, et nettoie le site de l'usine, aide les recherches sur le maladies spécifiques issue de la catastrophe et de la contamination secondaire des nappes phréatiques...
  • le jugement de l'ancien PDG d'Union Carbide, Warren Anderson, jamais jugé ni même inquiété.

Où envoyer les cartes ?

Dow Board of Directors,
c/o Andrew Liveris
CEO and Chairman of the Board
1308 W. Sugnet Rd
Midland, MI 48640

Contacter Dow


[EN] Postcard to Dow Chemical › Download

How make pressure on Dow Chemicals?

Send postcards representative of the current location of the victims of Bhopal disaster to Dow could help to make it become aware that nothing is regulated and that the disaster continues to make victims. Ok but to ask what?

  • that Dow Chemicals, which bought Union Carbide, and which try to show a good ethic with great appeal to advert, takes its whole responsabilities in the repurchase of Union Carbide, and cleans the site of the factory, assistance research on the specific diseases due to the disaster and the secondary contamination of the ground water…
  • the judgement of ex-chairman of Union Carbide, Warren Anderson, never judged, nor even worried.

-> Download the postcard

Where to send postcards ?

Dow Board of Directors,
c/o Andrew Liveris
CEO and Chairman of the Board
1308 W. Sugnet Rd
Midland, MI 48640

Contact Dow

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